Events/Trip Schedule
"When you come to a fork in the road, take it!" Yogi Berra
2024 Trip Schedule
Please call the trip organizer to book your spot.
September 8 - Mount Leach via Pine Creek FSR, 12 km round trip, 5 - 6 hours, moderate to challenging (short distance across rocks), elevation gain 825 metres, travel fee $5, Tim Bancroft 250-643-9950
September 15 - Emerald Amphitheater, 14 km round trip, moderate to challenging, elevation gain 800 metres, travel feel $10, meet at Scotiabank@8:30, Steve Willis 250-643-2418
September 22 - Danny Moore, 15 km round trip, 5 - 7 hours, moderate, elevation gain 600 metres, $5 travel fee,
Linda Kusleika 250-847-8817
September 29 - Caribou North, trail clearing work bee, details to be announced
October 6 - Little Onion, up to 6.5 km, 400 metres elevation gain, approximately 4 hours, travel fee $5,
Ron McNaughton 250-877-9491
October 20 - Ganokwa Rim, 600 metres elevation gain, 4.5 hours, some steep sections, travel fee $5
Wolfgang Loschberger 236-882-3676
October 27 - Barrett Hat, 6 km, easy terrain, travel fee $10 Stephen Lockwood 778-210-0548
A TrailerRider will be used on this hike - please inform Stephen if you would like to help.
November 3 - North East Bluff Trails, distance 8 - 10 km, 200 metres elevation gain, 3-4 hours, easy, no travel fee,
Debbie Courtliff 250-847-2381
November 17 - TBA, Julie Taugher 250-847-9510
November 24 - Hudson Bay Mountain tour - skis or snowshoes, distance 8-10 km, 300 elevation gain, 3-4 hours, moderate, travel fee $5 Jay Gilden 250-847-4794
"A tail wind while cycling is like priviledge. You think it's all you." Alison Bechdel