Events/Trip Schedule

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it!"  Yogi Berra

 2024 Trip Schedule

Please call the trip organizer to book your spot.

June 16 - Tyhee Mountain Trails - hike, elevation gain 350 metres, distance 13.2 km, 4-5 hours, This is an extended explore of these trails with moderate terrain.  travel fee $5,  Doug Witala  250-877-8256   

June 23 - Danny Moore Basin - hike, elevation gain 400 metres, distance 16 km, 4-5 hours moderate terrain, may be into some snow, travel fee $5,  Jay Gilden 250-847-4794 

July 7 - Opal Ridge Back Door - elevation gain 650 metres to alpine with the option to wander further along the ridge, distance 4 km to the alpine with an alpine wander maybe another 4 km. (8 - 12 km) up to 6 plus hours, travel fee $10, Tim Bancroft  250-643-9950

July 14 - Harvey/McCabe Crossover, elevation gain 785 metres to the top of Harvey and then descend to McCabe trail via the Blix Route, moderate difficulty, distance 10-12 km, 6 plus hours, travel fee $5, Linda Kusleika  250-847- 8817

July 21 - Little Joe to the summit post and then return, elevation gain 730 metres,  moderate difficulty, distance 17 km, 6 hours, travel fee $5, Bob Currie  250-643-4672

July 28 - Cariboo North, elevation gain 1000 metres, moderate difficulty, distance 12 km (round trip) 5-6 hours,  

travel fee $10 Tim Bancroft 250-643-9950

August 9; Harold Price workbee, text Ellen at 778-210-0625 for details.

August 11 - To Be Announced, Steve Willis   250-847-4572 

August 18 - Sinclair Plateau - overnight hike, 2.5 days depending on weather, elevation gain 1,000 metres, travel fee $10, Thomas Wunderlin   250-643-0387

August 25 - Kispiox Valley Walk, 12 km, easy, travel fee $15,  Wolfgang Loschberger   236-882-3676

"A tail wind while cycling is like priviledge. You think it's all you."  Alison Bechdel